Saturday, January 9, 2010

Cheating Heart
All of us was born to love and be loved, but I'm wondering why other people are still doing the cheating thing though there are already someone who will loved them without a doubt in any faithfulness, someone who would sacrifice anything without asking for any return just real love would do good with them. but why couldn't they be satisfied on a one relationship?

Maybe, because there are insecurities in there selves that they are wanting for more attention that is why they wanted to have more lovers to loved them which is so wrong. Other reason might be lack of love by there current boyfriend/girlfriend, in ways they are finding it to other people who can show them the love that they needed in their Life.

yet, I hate it when people were like that, don't they feel that being a cheater was such a stupid thing of all. Because they are focusing in there selves and not on their partner who was been hurting when they keep on cheating.
now I don't get it why people who have been cheated couldn't leave the one who cheated them?

These are the reasons that I have heard from other people who have been cheated still wanting to be on that cheaters arms.

1) They loved that person so dearly.
2) They couldn't live without them because of too much love.
3) They knew that person so much that they don't know how to let go.

but my main thoughts are confused, if you have been cheated then why would you say that you know your partner from the very beginning? is it love that was really holding you from letting go or the fact that other people might talk about you?

Now, tell me reader are you a cheater or the one being cheated?
or else just tell me something what do you think about this two.

Note: I'm not good in grammar, I hope you understand what I posted :)


  1. actually the reason why people are cheating is because they are not that matured. it is a silly childish behavior to cheat. dont worry if you are cheated because we reap what we sow..Nice post.. this is Orville .. please visit me..

  2. b4 nyting els, let me say "tnx" 4 dropin a coment on my site..

    i must say, tinamaan aq s post mo..true enuf, we cnt get away frm dem despite d pains dey'v caused is a mystery, d truth is until now i cnt define d best meaning of it..
    ..2 ansr ur Q, i consder myself being cheated..and accepting again and again d 1 hu hurt me, iv been cheating my own self too..denying d hurting..
    maybe a person hu cheats juz cnt control d selfishness in her/his whole being..

    iv followed ur more:)

  3. @parang_ehwan: well I think you're right about that! :) thank you. oh sure I will.

    @beanizer_05: you're welcome, thank you too!

    yeah, love is so unpredictable. ohh you are? I'm sad to hear that but anyway it did happened to me before and I did the same way too until it came to the point that it's still doesn't work out, yet anyway I'm happy because in that way it means we know how to forgive and to love, well maybe, we never know because it wasn't us right?

    anyway thank you for the follow, followed you back ((:

  4. hi cousin! I just want to share some thoughts on the cheating thing. I think that sometimes people "cheat" because they THINK they have to. They don't want to lose one or the other because both of them satisfies a need (attention, romance, etc). And then on "wanting to be in cheater's arm" I have this to say:

    It's not just love, sweetie. It's maturity at a certain level. As its been declared many times: "To err is human, to forgive divine." It takes so much will power to forgive. The hurt doesn't go away, but forgiveness and moving on gives hope. That everyday is not always gloomy. For even the strongest storms passes. And only with an open heart will you see...
